You ( the non-immigrant worker) should always buy a home. Owning a home is a shortcut to become rich in USA. However, you are living on non-immigrant visa and you have yet to file green card, or your green card processing is stuck so badly that you always tend to think that chance of winning a jackpot Read more…
Let us assume that you are paying $900 rent per month for a 1000 square ft apartment. This rent does not include any utilities such as water, electricity, and gas.
You are interested in buying a home. The value of the home is $200,000 or $200K. This future home is 3 bedroom townhome or 3 bedroom condominium or may be a 3 bedroom single family home. This home has much better living space than the current apartment/townhome for which you are paying rent. Do you know that you can live in this $200K home with the rent of $104.16 per month?
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