Top 10 things to avoid at work in USA

Can you do whatever you want at work ? Answer is Hell No! Here is the top 10 activities that you must avoid at work :

  1. Stay away from surfing porn sites at work. Surfing such website at work is a short cut to get laid off whether you are a full time employee or a contractor.

  2. Avoid frequent scanning or staring at the private parts of female colleague. No matter how much you like them, you are not being paid to stare at. Females have a built in scanner of detecting such frequent stare, and you would be immediately disliked by them.

  3. Do not send personal emails from your work email address and do not share the work email address with your friends. For any group email sent to all company employees, never reply to all, you would immediately dig your grave because replying to all is nothing short of moron acts!

  4. Do not try to attend phone interviews from your cubicle. Do it only if you can maintain the privacy.

  5. Do not use the company phone to place an outgoing domestic call so that you can save some minutes on your mobile phone plan.

  6. Although most folks does that, please try not to take personal print outs and taking stationary supplies (pen, highlighter, notepad, sticky notes etc.) to home.

  7. Do not try to become a volunteer mentor/teacher to any one just to impress them. Help them when needed rather than let me do it for you or show it to you on a volunteer basis when no one has requested you to do so. Soon you will find yourself providing technical support to those colleagues!!

  8. Do not ask salary of other employees/contractors, and never admit that you are underpaid even if you really are.

  9. Do not blame someone else for your mistake. It’s dishonest, childish and tacky. Very tacky. Sure, having to admit you made a mistake is embarrassing, but not nearly as embarrassing as it would be to have to admit you lied about it or tried to cover it up.

  10. Do not involve co-workers in your personal problems.

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